Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So, what about that Dog College?

Well, I said I would talk about DogChannel.com's Dog College, and I'm finally getting around to it.  They offer three courses a month.  I completed the Nutrition exam (a very high score, if I do say so myself), but I seem to be wiping out at Physiology (I only got the order in which a dog's feet move by waking up Gus and watching him).  It's my own fault.  I tried to jump ahead and take the exam too soon.  I think my students are starting to rub off on me.  In any event, it was interesting to read about how dogs move, and the quiz confirmed my impression that my short-term memory is going to hell.

The last course for this "term" is Communication.  The article, in my opinion, is thorough and informative (one commenter-- who gave the impression that she was not terribly bright -- really disparaged it, while a number of dog trainers who commented were extremely positive).  Everything in the article tallied with my own experience, so I'm giving it my approval.  There is an interesting discussion of wolf behavior in contrast with dog behavior, so I'm going to recommend this to my brother in law, who is convinced that his dogs are much closer to their wolf ancestors than they are.

Now that I've finished this term, I'm looking forward to the next set of courses (and hoping that they get into preventive care for your dog).

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