Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Puppy Mills Hiding on the Internet

I've been too busy to post for a while, but I felt I had to mention a report I received from Dogtime.com about puppy mills operating over the 'net. 
These puppy e-mills are becoming a serious problem, and although all of the issues they raise are disturbing, my concern here has to do with health.  According to the report, "The Internet also happens to make a great dumping ground for dogs. In fact when breeders are left with "reject" puppies that mass brokers or pet stores won't buy, usually due to health or form problems, the dogs are sold online." 
The best long-term solution to the puppy mill problem is for people to stop buying from them, but until people are aware of the problem, it will just go on and on.  For now, the American Humane Society has several campaigns going, and their website has advice on how to shop for a puppy to avoid getting a puppy-mill pet.  If it's too late for you and you already have a sick puppy, you should contact them.