Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dog Flu and Harbor Seals

Mature Harbor Seals on the beach
These Mature Harbor Seals on the beach are apparently healthy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
One source I haven't mentioned before is, mostly because it's run by Merck, which is a major player in BigPharma, if you know what I mean.  The bottom line is that the site is there to sell you on their products, but that doesn't mean that they are automatically wrong, just that you have to consider their goals as well as your own.  So, keeping that in mind, I just got an email from them about dog flu (several viruses, including H3N8).  They want people to vaccinate their dogs against dog flu (which is not -- so far-- transferable to humans), and they have a point, especially if your dog comes into contact with other dogs, or if your dog has a chronic health issue (like diabetes, for example) that would make a bout of the flu more hazardous than it would be for a healthy dog.  Their dog flu page is very cute, with a puppet video.  However, if you want to know more, you have to leave the site for another Merck page.

Not surprisingly, WebMd has information on H3N8, which you may have heard referred to as bird flu.  Horses and seals are also susceptible to it, and it can kill.  A WebMd Health News article reports that "Over a four-month period beginning last September [2011], 162 harbor seals were found dead or dying along the coast of New England" from H3N8.  Makes you want to get your dog vaccinated, doesn't it?     
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