Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is your dog a slacker?

Strongheart (1917 - 1929), canine star of sile...Image via Wikipedia
I have come to the conclusion that every dog I have ever met is probably a slacker.  Sure, some dogs may actually be heroes who just haven't had any opportunity to show their stuff, but the rest are just faking it.  They're so good at faking it, though, that we all believe our dogs are capable of doing something amazing, like Buddy, a German Shepherd who lives in Alaska.  He made headlines up there for saving his family's home on April 4, and he's become a YouTube sensation.  The video is from the state trooper's vehicle.  Buddy actually went and got help-- just like Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, or Strongheart, the dog in the picture above (he was a big silent movie star).

On the other hand, would you really want your dog to be that kind of hero?  This seems to be one of those be-careful-what-you-wish-for kind of things.  I'm glad none of the dogs I know has had to be a hero.  
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