Friday, November 8, 2013

Diabetes Awareness Month is Here- Diabetes in Animals Needs Some Attention, Too!

English: Prevalence of diabetes worldwide in 2...
English: Prevalence of diabetes worldwide in 2000 (per 1000 inhabitants). World average was 28.23‰. no data less than 7.5 7.5-15 15-22.5 22.5-30 30-37.5 37.5-45 45-52.5 52.5-60 60-67.5 67.5-75 75-82.5 more than 82.5 Note: I interpreted France in the data as including the overseas departments of Reunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique, and French Guiana as they are integral parts of France. China includes the SARs of Hong Kong and Macao. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
November is Diabetes Awareness Month, in case you didn't know that already, and I'm going to give a plug to another website from the Greater Good Network, this time for their Diabetes Site.  When you get there, click on the box and let their advertisers pay for it, with the money going to fund diabetes research.  If a cure is found, animals will benefit just as humans will, except nobody ever had a human euthanized because he or she was diabetic.  Lives are at stake here.

And, check out their online store.  Part of every purchase goes to research, too.  I do a lot of my Christmas shopping through all of the Greater Good shops.
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